Nils Ludwig

Research fellow
Nils B. Ludwig
Nils B. Ludwig
Image: Nils B. Ludwig
  • Short Biography
    • Since 03/2023

    Research fellow in the Social Geography working group at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

    • 01/2023

    Human Geography - Urban and Regional Research M. Sc. University of Bayreuth

    Master’s thesis on “Territorialisations of the Radical Right and the evangelical  Church using the example of the Erzgebirge”.

    • 12/2021-06/2022

    Research assistant at the Chair of Cultural Geography, University of Bayreuth

    • 12/2020-11/2021

    Research fellow at the Chair of Social and Population Geography, University of Bayreuth

    • 09/2020

    Geography B. Sc. TU Dresden

    Bachelor thesis on “The discourse of housing policy in the AfD and the New Right - commonalities, differences and backgrounds”.

    • 02/2019-09/2020

    Student assistant at the Chair of Human Geography, TU Dresden

  • Courses

    Winter term 2023

    Seminar Lehramt "Einführung in die Humangeographie" [GEO 221]

    Sommer term 2023

    Seminar Lehramt „politische Geographie und kritische Geopolitik“ [GEOG 226]

  • Research interest

    Critical Geopolitics

    Geographies of the radical right

    Affective Geographies

    Aspects of territorialization

  • Publications

    Ludwig, Nils B.; Mießner, Michael (2022) Wohnen als Profilierungsfeld der AfD?. In: s u b \ u r b a n. 10. 2/3. S. 237–247. link

  • Talks and workshops

    Ludwig, N.; Mießner, M.: Antikapitalistische Wohnungspolitik und die Gefahr rechter Vereinnahmung. Vortrag beim Seminar: "Schaufelt sich der Kapitalismus sein eigenes Grab?". DGB Bildungsstätte Hattingen. 19.09.2023

  • Membership

    Terra RExternal link – Netzwerk Territorialisierungen der radikalen Rechten.