Dr. Isabella Stingl
nach Vereinbarung
Seit 02/2024 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Wirtschaftsgeographie, AG Schäfer. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
02/2022 – 01/2024 Gastwissenschaftlerin in der Forschungsgruppe Globalisierung, Arbeit und Produktion. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)
06/2019 – 12/2019 Visiting Researcher am Geographischen Institut und am Centre for Refugee Studies. York University (Toronto, CAN)
05/2017 – 01/2022 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Wirtschaftsgeographie und der AG Labour, Migration and Gender. Universität Zürich
Akademischer Werdegang:- 2021 Promotion in der Wirtschaftsgeographie, Universität Zürich
- 2016 Master of Arts in Humangeographie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 2013 Bachelor of Arts in Humangeographie, Soziologie und Politikwissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Feminist Economic & Labour Geographies
- Migration, Migrant Status & Precarious Work
- Digital Platforms, Care Work & Migration
- Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Ecosystems & Intersectionality
Aktuelle Projekte:
Abgeschlossene Projekte:
- Migration and the gig economy. Exploring migrant workers' motivations for engaging in platform-mediated work (funded by SNSF, P500PS_206769)
- (Im)Possible Selves. Exploring Refugees’ Experiences of Work and Migration in Switzerland (partially funded by SNSF, P1ZHP1_184117)
Stingl, Isabella (2023). Eine Lösung für wen? Digital vermittelte Arbeit und die Krise(n) der sozialen Reproduktion (English version: A solution for whom? Digital work platforms and the crisis of social reproduction). WZB Mitteilungen Online Nr. 108: Digitalisierung, https://wzb.eu/de/artikel/eine-loesung-fuer-wenExterner Link
Stingl, Isabella (2021). (Im)Possible selves in the Swiss labour market: Temporalities, immigration regulations, and the production of precarious workers. Geoforum 125, 1–8.
Mittmasser, Christina & Stingl, Isabella (2021). Migrant Counterspaces: Challenging Labour Market Exclusion through Collective Action. REMI – Revue européenne des migrations internationals 37(1&2), Special Issue: Labour and Migration in the Age of Borders, 229–249.
Stingl, Isabella (2021). Die Zeit als Gegenstand und Mittel des Regierens. Praktiken der Integrationsförderung im Kontext Arbeit und Migration. Geographische Zeitschrift 190(1), 44–63.
Stingl, Isabella (2021). (Im)Possible Selves. Exploring Refugees’ Experiences of Work and Migration in Switzerland [PhD Thesis]. Zurich: University of Zurich.
09/2023 Digitally mediated work and the blurry boundaries of re/production. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Frankfurt am Main, mit Marisol Keller
07/2023 Digitally mediated care work: platforms, everyday rhythms of re/production, and broader relations of care. EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari
07/2023 Becoming a ‘platform worker’. A biographical exploration of visa categories and working subjectivities in Berlin’s gig economy. IMISCOE Annual Conference, Warschau, mit Barbara Orth
03/2023 The home as a (digitally mediated) workplace. Comparative perspectives on care work and online freelancing. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), Denver, mit Dr. Anna Oechslen09/2022 The Uneven TimeSpaces of Employment Promotion for Refugees in Switzerland. International Metropolis Conference, Berlin
04/2021 Becoming Migrant Worker. Analysing Work-Life Experiences Through Biographical Methods. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), Seattle/online
11/2020 Migrant counterspaces: Challenging labour market exclusion through collective action. Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Zürich/online, mit Dr. Christina Mittmasser
02/2020 On participatory workshops that never took place... Talking about "failure" as a feminist praxis. Feminist Geographies ASG Kick-off Event, Neuchâtel
10/2019 The temporal governance of refugees' labour market participation in the Swiss integration regime. Centre for Refugee Studies Student Conference "Beyond Durable Solutions" (York University), Toronto
06/2019 Starting from scratch – The politics and practices of local labour market integration of refugees in Switzerland. International Metropolis Conference, Ottawa/Gatineau
04/2019 Precarious workers in the making? The role of migration and integration policies in shaping refugees' labour market access in Switzerland. International Conference of Critical Geography, Athen
01/2018 Vorstrukturierte Teilhabe? Gouvernementalitätsanalytische Perspektiven auf Arbeit und Migration. Tagung Neue Kulturgeographie, Freiburg