Group photo of the Work Group for Social Geography


Our current team in research & teaching.
Group photo of the Work Group for Social Geography
Image: Felix Voelkel

The Team of the Junior Professorship for Social Geography

  1. Runkel, Simon, Juniorprof. Dr Junior Professor of Social Geography
    Junior Professorship for Social Geography

    Room 229
    Löbdergraben 32
    07743 Jena

    Office hours:
    Wednesday 11:00-12:30 in room 230 and by arrangement

  2. Ciax, Katharina Research fellow
    Junior Professorship for Social Geography

    Room 236
    Löbdergraben 32
    07743 Jena

  3. Dörfler, Thomas, Dr Research Fellow
    Junior Professorship for Social Geography

    Room 228
    Löbdergraben 32
    07743 Jena

  4. Kauer, Dominique Research fellow
    Junior Professorship for Social Geography
  5. Lange, Frederike Victoria PhD Student
    Junior Professorship for Social Geography
  6. Ludwig, Nils B. Research fellow
    Junior Professorship for Social Geography

    Room 221
    Löbdergraben 32
    07743 Jena

  7. Meier, Barbara PhD Student
    Junior Professorship for Social Geography
  8. Stenglein, Ferdinand Research fellow
    Junior Professorship for Social Geography
  9. Tonbul, Birtan Eren Research fellow
    Junior Professorship for Social Geography
  10. Herold, Nikola Team assistant
    Junior Professorship for Social Geography

Student assistants

Artur Bleischwitz, student assistant

Chen-Ling Chen, student assistant

Enya Schönfelder, tutor

Sandra Baden, tutor

Scott Schultz, student assistant

Guests and visiting lecturers

Zuhriddin Juraev

Former team members

Marlene Hobbs, Institute of Geography, University of Bonn

Marcel Hofer

Juliane Beuster

Janine Escherich

Corrie Mathiak

Franz Schlag

Johannes Übel

Maria Winkler, Nationalpark Hainich

Marie Schäfer

Laura Miczka

Dorothea Bähr

Merle Dörschlag

Imke Hurlin

Vincent Kluger

Laura Röbe-Oltmanns

Jonny Dietrich

Celine Hamze

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